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Message from Pastor Jon

April 30, 2020

Hello Everyone,

                Over the past months I have been encouraged as I have seen each of you lean into your faith in Christ even as your routines and schedules have been interrupted. In the coming weeks we will be entering another season of transition as we begin the process of coming out of quarantine and start to have more freedom in our travels and activities. The good news is that this means we will begin having worship services on campus once again at Calvary starting May 10th. With this said, we will be limiting other activities in an effort to maintain social distancing and to abide by the recommendation of our government leaders. Please see below for some key information about how we will be ministering to one another in the coming weeks. The information is based upon recommendations from our local, state and national government leadership.

  • As you arrive, you will notice that greeters will give you a friendly greeting and a wave but will not be shaking your hand. The outside doors will be opened for you.

  • Information about church announcements will be found at Bulletin boards will also have helpful information. There will not be a paper bulletin handed out.

  • As you come into worship, families and couples are encouraged to sit together but maintain 6 ft of distance between yourself and others.

  • The seating in the FLC will be spread out to allow for us to sit 6 ft apart. Every other pew will be roped off for the same purpose in the sanctuary.

  • We will worship through giving by placing our tithes and offerings in a giving box placed in a location that is easily seen and accessed. An offering plate will not be passed.

  • You will want to make sure you come to church caffeinated and with your stomach full (or bring your own snack) because there will not be a coffee or food station in the coming weeks.

  • We will be inviting families to worship together within the church services. There will not be children’s church or nursery in the coming weeks.

  • Sunday and Wednesday Night Bible Studies will remain online in the coming weeks.

  • Worship times and locations will remain the same: 8:45am in the FLC and 11:05am in the sanctuary.

  • Online services will continue.

  • If you would like to wear a mask feel free to do so.

  • Cleaning will happen after each service.

  • If you feel sick, please stay home.

I am excited to take this next step together as we prepare to worship together in person once again. We will continue to take this one step at a time and trust God with the future. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to give us a call at 660-646-3578. Please know I am praying for you.

God Bless,


Pastor Jon

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